Macmillan Coffee Morning

In case you missed it in the flurry of recent baking news, last Friday, 30th September, was the World’s Biggest Coffee Morning, run by Macmillan Cancer Support to raise money for cancer sufferers.

As you can imagine, the keen cooks in the Food & Drink office were only too pleased to get involved. Our meeting room filled up with cakes galore, and as we tucked in enthusiastically, the Macmillan collection box filled up nicely too.

Lurpak-sponsored ingredients

The event was our best ever this year thanks to Lurpak and their Game On, Cooks campaign. Research by Lurpak has shown that the average Brit spends over five hours a week consuming food culture but only four hours a week actually cooking, so in a bid to reverse that trend, Lurpak is challenging us to turn our screens off and our ovens on. As an incentive, they’ve been giving out £50 supermarket vouchers to help people buy their ingredients. We were delighted to receive our voucher and to get baking for charity.

Here are the office’s award-winning bakes – two stunning cakes by Lucy King that tasted every bit as good as they looked:

Winning bakes for Macmillan Coffee Morning

and here are some of the runner-up creations:

Runners up in Macmillan Coffee Morning

As Macmillan says, ‘cake tastes better together’ – and that’s lots of different cake together as well as cake shared with colleagues!

If you missed the main event on 30th September, don’t worry – it isn’t too late. You can hold your own coffee morning whenever you want and sign up online to receive your free Macmillan Coffee Morning kit.

Follow @Lurpak on Twitter to find out more about #GameOnCooks.

Lucy Palmer

Lucy is an ex-Fed Up & Drunker who has now been released into the wild.

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