Hugh Fearnley Whittingstall (or Hugh Furly Wurly, as my girlfriend calls him) recently embarked on a campaign to get supermarkets to stock fruit and veg that is, shall we say, visually less appealing (ugly). After all, just because it isn’t completely straight, resembles a human face or has a nubbin or two, doesn’t mean it isn’t delicious and perfectly edible.
To celebrate the beauty of these less fortunate foods, but in no way attached to Hugh FW, The @UglyFruitAndVeg Campaign has set up and Instagram account and it’s as funny as it is important. Their account says: We waste 20-40% of produce worldwide because it’s not “perfect,” yet 800 million are hungry!
We think some of them are adorable and would make any dinner table more entertaining. Here are some of our favourites: