It happened: supermarkets have aisles dedicated to Christmas presents, Santa themed decorations are beginning to go up and it won’t be long until Maria Carey and Slade will be blasted from every shop on the high street. Don’t get me wrong, I love Christmas. After all, it’s the one time of year you get to eat endless mince pies and drink for three days in a row (apart from Glastonbury, maybe), but it’s the sudden realisation that Christmas is about to take over everything that I need to prepare for – and prepare I shall! You see, this December is going to be rather special. This December I’ll have a Ginvent calendar. That’s right, a gin advent calendar.
What? Where? How much? Gimme! Yep, my thoughts exactly.
The Ginvent Calendar is the brainchild of The Gin Foundry and comes in two options: The Givent Calendar (£114.95) and the Botanical Ginvent Calendar (£124.95). Each calendar gives you 24 x 30ml of some of the best gins available in the UK.
If ever there was a Christmas gift for grown ups, this surely has to be it? I think it’s going to be very popular – and not just in the Food & Drink Office.
Here are some other alternative advent calendars…
Yankee Candle: Advent House
The Selfridges 2015 Beauty Advent Calendar
Stephen Cotterall: Do Nothing Christmas is Coming
Ciate Mini Mani Month Advent Calendar
[…] Food and Drink Guides Blog has a great round-up of grown up advent […]