Hospitality Action is returning to the beautiful Beaufort Polo Club on the 6th of September – and they’re bringing some serious Michelin muscle with them!

Michelin Starred Charity Polo Event

Now, it’s not very often you see the words ‘seven Michelin stars’ together. In fact, I had to take a second glance when I first read it. But that’s exactly what you get when you combine the six Michelin starred chefs that will be creating the three course menu at this annual charity event.

Hospitality Action is now in its sixth year, and they’re going bigger and better than ever. The event will kick off with a Moet & Chandon Champagne and canapé reception on the lawns of the prestigious Beaufort Polo Club. Guests will then be treated to a three-course lunch prepared by the six Michelin starred chefs with a whopping seven Michelin stars between them.

Once fed, it’s on to the grandstand to watch the polo and the final of the Solitaire Salver (a famous and also rather prestigious event in the polo calendar) with wine and/or cream teas.
Sound incredible, right? Well, wait to you see who’s creating the menu!

The Chefs
Martin Burge, Whatley Manor
Richard Davies, The Manor House
Richard Picard-Edwards, Lords of the Manor
Josh Eggleton, The Pony & Trap
Hywel Jones, Lucknam Park
Sam Moody, The Bath Priory


If I’m honest, I don’t know anything about Polo. But this, this I could get into!

In 2014, Hospitality Action spent just over £85,000 assisting hospitality workers in desperate need in the South West thus the money raised at both the Polo Day and Cycle Challenge will make a real difference.

I think you’ll agree that this is going to be a cracking event and truly a one-off. Head to the website for more info and tickets and let us know if you plan to go, we’d love to know how it went.

Thom Whitchurch

Thom Whitchurch

Thom is an ex-Fed Up & Drunker who has now been released into the wild.

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